The Text of the Small Catechism
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British Spelling
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OpenDocument Format (.odt — can be edited; opens in all word processors)
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TheSmallCatechism.odt [paper size: A5]
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TheSmallCatechism.odt [paper size: US Letter]
Open XML Format (.docx — can be edited; designed for Microsoft Word, but opens in most word processors)
TheSmallCatechism.docx [paper size: A4]
TheSmallCatechism.docx [paper size: A5]
TheSmallCatechism.docx [paper size: A6]
TheSmallCatechism.docx [paper size: US Letter]
Portable Document Format (.pdf — cannot be edited)
TheSmallCatechism.pdf [paper size: A4]
TheSmallCatechism.pdf [paper size: A5]
TheSmallCatechism.pdf [paper size: A6]
TheSmallCatechism.pdf [paper size: US Letter]
US Spelling
Raw text (.txt — can be edited; no formatting; opens in almost any programme)
OpenDocument Format (.odt — can be edited; opens in all word processors)
TheSmallCatechism.odt [paper size: A4]
TheSmallCatechism.odt [paper size: A5]
TheSmallCatechism.odt [paper size: A6]
TheSmallCatechism.odt [paper size: US Letter]
Open XML Format (.docx — can be edited; designed for Microsoft Word, but opens in most word processors)
TheSmallCatechism.docx [paper size: A4]
TheSmallCatechism.docx [paper size: A5]
TheSmallCatechism.docx [paper size: A6]
TheSmallCatechism.docx [paper size: US Letter]
Portable Document Format (.pdf — cannot be edited)
TheSmallCatechism.pdf [paper size: A4]
TheSmallCatechism.pdf [paper size: A5]
TheSmallCatechism.pdf [paper size: A6]
TheSmallCatechism.pdf [paper size: US Letter]